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The Society for Structural Integrity and Life (“DIVK”) is a non-governmental non-profit society of experts engaged in practical application of the theory of fracture mechanics. Founded in 2001, today the Society has more than 240 registered members and engages in a number of activities such as seminars, publications, cooperation with other societies and more. The journal “Structural Integrity and Life “ is published by DIVK.


The Society aims to master contemporary theoretical, numerical and experimental methods for structural integrity - assessment, in order to apply them to assure:
•    in-service safety and reliability and extension of their design life;
•    enable prevention of failures in order to minimise risk of endangering human lives and polluting of the environment; and
•    improve the level of education and publishing in the field.


The Society engages in the following activities:
•    Publications. We engage in collection, exchange and preparation of various scientific and professional publications dealing with structural integrity and life assessment, the influence on environment and sustainable development, in order to educate and guide members in development of theoretical, experimental and numerical analysis and their application in the studies of structural integrity and life. This includes publishing of monographs, books, handbooks and manuals, CD and other publication;
•    Conferences, Lectures and workshops. We regularly organize, either individually or in cooperation with other institutions, scientific conferences at local and international levels, the International Fracture Mechanics Summer School (IFMASS), workshops, professional lectures, seminars and courses for members of DIVK and other participants;
•    Periodic journal. Our journal “Structural Integrity and Life” is published 3 times a year in cooperation with other editors;
•    Education. We contribute to coordination and preparation of curricula and conditions in education of personnel of all professional levels, in cooperation with universities, schools and professional societies in Serbia and abroad;
•    Committees. We organize committees and team of experts for consideration of practical problems of structural integrity, exploitation and extension of residual structural life;
•     Media. We contribute to the publicity of scientific and professional work through engaging with public media;
•    Regulation. We cooperate with different institutions in preparation of modern technical regulations (codes, recommendations and standards);
•    ESIS. We cooperate closely with European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS).

Questions and requests for further information on the Society can be addressed to DIVK
Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK)
Prof  Dr Aleksandar SEDMAK, President
Aleksandar Sedmak - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Room 502, floor 5)
Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381-11-3302497
Web site:
Contact person: Milica TOSIC
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



Please visit journal website

Structural Integrity and Life


Vol. 23, 2023

Special Issue

No 1

No 2

No 3

Vol. 24, 2024

No 1


Journal archive